Friday, February 27, 2015

Sometimes I don't get it. Part Two.

Sometimes I don't get it.  Part Two.

The thing I see the most with rude drivers around here is this.

There is NOTHING behind me.  Nothing, as in no vehicles.  Nary a one.

And yet someone from a side road will fucking pull out in front of me.  Why can't they wait that extra three seconds for me to pass before pulling out in front of me?  And then why can't they actually drive the fucking speed limit, rather than half the speed limit?  It doesn't matter if there is snow and ice on the road, this happens in hundred degree weather when the road is dry and driving conditions are optimal.

What the ever loving fuck all?  Is it dumb asses get on the road and pull out in front of other drivers day?  This is not acceptable social behavior on the road.  JS

Something amusing I actually saw was a sign by a road that had words printed on it.  "Man Toys."  Is that what it's called when there's a yard sale with items that men would be interested in?  That must be in regarding that creative wording. Talk about efficient word smithing, that's definitely creative and efficient.

The rude drivers need to stay off the damn road and if they don't, which we all know they won't, then they don't need to pull out in front of me.  

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