If any of you have sat and thought at your end of the computer, "Why doesn't she shut the fuck up and go get reconstructed if she doesn't like how she looks?" I ask you to go check this link out. There's no actual blood/gore content so it's easy to watch, but I ask you to please watch it and then think real hard about if YOU would do any of this shit or not.
My pectoral muscles were not "spared" so there is nothing over my ribs but skin. Reconstruction is very damaging to the body, as you'll see if you watch this, and it's a huge, long process, not just with the surgical part itself, but also with the recovery time, which also varies greatly from person to person, AND there are no guarantees if any of the methods will work for anyone. So just think of the pain, recovery time, and expense potential in terms of possible infection/s, and having to swap out the implants every few years, only to find out the recon didn't "take" or "work" like it was supposed to. It's good to know many other women out there are not opting for reconstruction. It's bad to know that many doctors refuse to even discuss being flat as a cultural and socially acceptable option; then again, look at how much money is being missed out for them on by the flat option.
At least I finally found an oncologist who said he didn't care one way or the other if a patient was reconstructed, that it was her decision. He scored some nice doctor points in my brain for that comment.
I just wanted to share that link with you people out there so maybe you'd get a better idea of why it's "just" not a thing to "just" go do easily like going to purchase cat food, which is just something one can go do. It's "just" not that easy.
I had one consult. The fact that i was at that moment weighing the most in my life and would have to gain more. Well, that's not an option. Or they wanted to take a back muscle and pull it around......hell no! If it ain't broke, We ain't breaking it! It would taken numerous amount of surgeries? For something that was never going to be the same size or look the same. Hhhmmm....I'm good. And I have a really cute butt!!! Much Peace.....