Tuesday, January 12, 2016

big pharma

You know what? Anyone with three functioning brain cells should be fucking terrified of the big pharma corruption. I had never messed with stuff like that, illegal or legal, because I saw first hand as a kid what that shit does to people. Because of that, I had no interest in anything, it was even rare for me to take an acetaminophen for even a headache. It was my  husband who told me that if I had a headache and I took some acetaminophen for it, it didn't mean I'd become an addict. So from him, I learned that. 

Fast forward to me getting diagnosed with stupid fucking cancer. The piles of prescriptions I had shoved at me hand over fist would appall damn near anyone. It was like a fucking candy store for addicts, except I refused to take any of that shit because of side effects, they were psychotropics, impaired beyond impairment, highly addictive, fuck that, cancer is enough of a shit storm without all the extra problems the drugs I was being told to take.  (That said, if someone needs that stuff and feels as if they are able to function better or that stuff helps them, I'm certainly not going to give them shit about it.)

I had no idea how bad it actually was until I was diagnosed. Too many people make too much fucking money off big pharma meds for very many people to want cannabis to be a valid, legal option for healthcare--in other words, I believe that's greed and corruption preventing legalization in many states.  

It was unreal the damage the chemo drugs did to my body.  Maybe I should turn that into a blog post just to inform people how bad it really is.

The following is a list of the vile big pharma poisons I was subjected to for a year and I spent that entire year of my life very nearly dead, and no, I'm not exaggerating.

TCH= taxol / carboplatin / trastuzumab 

TH= taxol / trastuzumab

CMF= cyclophosphamide / methotrexate / fluourouracil / trastuzumab

Check out the side effects sometime.  You may be appalled and surprised at the same time.

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