Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Lifestyles of the not so notorious and crumbly--

Nikki, over at http://prettylittlepaperthings.blogspot.com/ is on a hair group with me on fakebook.  She has a phrase she uses that's for people who aren't completely crunchy, but are interested in furthering their experience with the crunchy lifestyle by incorporating more natural means for living, be it making cleaning products, not using conventional means for hair products, or being more aware of recycling; in other words, dipping the toes into the making of and using less conventional products.  (No, don't run away, I'm not a bleeding heart liberal tree hugger.  I'm pro-gun, pro-military, and pro-cannabis; think Constitutional Libertarian, or Libertarian Constituionalist; you get the idea.  I'm also a former oncology patient, which is the reason I got started with looking for healthier options for whatever I'm doing, be it making my own toothpaste, laundry soap, or shampoo; more about that later, though.)

So, welcome to Lifestyles of the Crumbly.  There's no telling what you might find on here, if you find something useful, great.  If not, keep looking, maybe you'll find it somewhere.  No, I'm not a licensed medical professional, nor do I portray one on the internet, however I am a very opinionated stay at home wife of one husband, mom of three sons, and mother in law to one awesome daughter in law.  And I'm owned by two cats.  (My previous cat went over the Rainbow Bridge back in October of last year and I still miss him.  Tigger was awesome.)

I will not put things on here that I have not or will not do myself or know of someone else doing/evaluating personally.  For example, awhile back on the hair group on fakebook, someone came in and trolled everyone with a supposedly innocent question about a "natural" product for use on hair...except it was a rather questionably potentially dangerous substance, and one that I wouldn't put on my hair or advise anyone putting on their hair.

That said, if you have a product that you would like me to evaluate, I'll be happy to do so, provided it's natural and safe for human use/consumption.  (I am also a freelance writer and editor who loves equids.  I know, who knew, right?)

And here I sit, listening to 2/3 of my sons bellowing about video games and bullets.  I think perhaps I should find some coffee, but first, a little disclaimer.  There will be use of the F bomb on occasion, so if this offends you, oh well.  There is a back button, it's a good thing to use on occasion.  I'll try to behave myself most of the time, though.  Just saying.

But first, the post that led to this from the hair group on fakebook and yes, there will be explanations for much of this content in upcoming posts.

My youngest is playing football. I'm cooking like three and sometimes four full meals a day for him. I picked him up from practice, stopped off to see the nice men with the medicinal use petition for November's ballot, and come home to cook. I cook the youngest his second breakfast, two soft taco shells with smoky cheddar and mesquite chicken, and promptly go right on into cooking lunch for us and the college monkey, who has class.

Earlier this morning, I had shaved my legs with coconut oil/baking soda and found it works fabulously well. While pondering that success and tossing it out on here for others to potentially try, I was putting together skillet mess. That entailed cutting up three to five pounds of potatoes and boiling them, while they boil, throw a stick of butter into a skillet, dice half a large onion and throw that into the butter to caramelize it, cut up some smoked sausage or polksa kielbasa, a pound or two, and throw that in with the onions. Drain the potatoes boiling in the water--NO! I realized halfway through draining the potatoes that there was a reason I'd been happy to be fixing this, because I would have potato water to put in my hair. But no! I halfway drain the potatoes out of habit and then stop. Must save the potato water that's left! Must have it! I get another pan, rig straining the potatoes to save the rest of the water, turns out it was MOST of the water, more than I realized, so yay for that, right?

I put the potatoes into the skillet with the butter, onion, and sausage, and let that all cook together and tell the monkeys, "Don't throw out the potato water. I need it for my hair." For being teenage males, I have to say they have adjusted well to my hair-spiramentation. Or would that be hair-scapades? Either way, I fixed myself a bowl of skillet mess and sat down to type this out so that people would A--know that coconut oil and baking soda make a nice shave paste for shaving the legs, and B--for the sake of hair science again, I will be putting the potato water in my hair to see what it does.
(For the sake of documenting further adventures in lifestyles of the crumbly and not notorious, I was pondering chronicling the crumbly effect with a blog, but not sure if anyone would want to read it.)

(I may be fat and breastless, but by damn, I will have decent hair, regardless.)

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